Today’s Daily Nations front page..
"I’m here to stay!" Waiguru’s words hehe the CS Devolution.Resign?not me. Honestly i’m not a huge fan of politics but this? This had me talking. This had Kenyans talking.C.S Waiguru’s excessive use of money she cant account for.Totally hilarious!
"I’m here to stay!" Waiguru’s words hehe the CS Devolution.Resign?not me. Honestly i’m not a huge fan of politics but this? This had me talking. This had Kenyans talking.C.S Waiguru’s excessive use of money she cant account for.Totally hilarious!
The Devolution ministry,Waiguru's space,registered huge sums
of money,say expenses that seemed very questionable as presented to Chairman
Nicholas Gumbo.Starting with Sh450,000 for 18 custom-made condom dispensers,
Sh1.7 million spent for a screen in her office and Sh12 million for an
office partition.A copier at Sh1.5 million, while Sh1.9million was spent for
free downloadable Adobe software and Sh250,000 for ten flashdisks. Kaspersky security kit at almost One Million(Sh973,780)..seriously?(you can get
this at a thousand bob?or download it via the internet?)Oh plus a Piano costing Sh235,900 lol..a piano at Waigurus office! Haha I wish I could office space,a small corner with a small desk.My computer,a mouse
and a lamp.Being an artist I’d be tempted to bring my guitar to the office and
put it on that very corner but good heavens my boss wouldn’t allow(I should
probably ask him haha).But contrary to
expectation is Waiguru's urge to spend cash anyhowly..a whole Waiguru with a piano worth KES 200000,plus!In
her office!yet she’s not even an artist!Hahaha
how unrealistic can this get.
Waiguru's ministry is
said to have lost Sh45 billion which it collected from the Eurobond floated by the government.The money is said to have been
used in projects that can not be accounted for within the ministry.Talk of
widespread corruption!Waiguru says she will not take
responsibility of all those accusations since she was not in the accounting
department!Seriously?how’s that head a MINISTRY,a whole MINISTRY and you don’t have a
last say on what enters your office?let alone approving any amount that is to
be used for anything that has to do with your office?bizzare!!
Kenyans were on a rampage yesterday and are still are.With
tweets,facebook messages and memes from left right and centre going all over social
media attacking this socialite,sorry CS...haha one particular one,"waiguru was a
whistle blower,wait tll you hear how much the whislte is lol!! And some more…

What I’d like to say though is this..Kenya is bigger than
any individual. Hon Saitoti,God rest his soul said this before he passed
on..there comes a time when the nation is more important than an individual.If
at all we want to beat the odds and become a nation that other nations sought after
because of accountability and transparency,then its about time we stood tall
and thought about some of the things we do.Things
that droop us and tear us apart as a nation.
Kenya is in a crisis..and until we understand that
corruption is a national disaster then we are doing ourselves zero
favour!Corruption is the enemy of development and of good governance.It must be
got rid of.Both the government and the people must come together to achieve
this national objective!Simple..
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