Monday, 26 February 2018

Now What!

Today my day started on a high, got to spend time with family over the weekend, and even got to see my little nieces and nephew and our cute little dog back home. Moments that can never be taken for granted.
Got to work psyched and had to start my day with my favorite quotes from good reads, the one on there today read, “When you have confidence, you can have a lot of fun. And when you have fun, you can do amazing things.” What a good way to kick start your day, after a super crazy and fun weekend with family.

The craziest thing happened immediately after, my bubble got busted. As soon as good reads, my computer couldn’t start. Tried shutting it open a couple of times and ended up rebooting it 100 times over. What a BUMMER! After all that excitement and jovial eruption and now this! Had to meet as many deadlines and all I could think about was my boss being on my case immediately he entered the office. Who was I to wait? Had to look for an IT guy ASAP. All my documents, my files, my music, my blogs, books! And my pictures! If there’s one thing I treasure, moments, taken on camera. Can never be taken back. Didn’t want to believe they were gone. So in the meantime had to pretend and act not disturbed and mad and gloomy. IT Guy, IT guy..

I have two machines so luckily I could work from this other one. But still, everything else was on there. At some point I heard me speak to myself, you have control over your mind, you have control over your mind, you have control over your mind and was prompted to turn all my misery and gloom into something productive. It was only 8AM anyways. I mean my confidence levels were boosted, thanks to good reads! It's now time to have fun.

You can do anything honey, absolutely anything when you put your mind to it. I was almost re-doing everything I did last week on this other computer but told myself everything will be okay. So my boss came in, had a good chat, luckily enough he didn't ask me about my assignment and left. Cathy God’s got you. Prayed the entire time and when 4pm hit I had to ask this IT guy what was up and he was like yo! Your computer crushed..and I almost swallowed my heart. BUT..BUT WHAT? I managed to restore all your files. I have never been happier.

It takes one thing to ruin your day and one thought to reshape all that and make it worthwhile. What a lesson learnt early in the week and almost early in the month. That even in your rockiest, you can still cause that petal to blossom, that light to burn even brighter. That positive thought to merry up your day. See there's so much about fate that we cannot control, but other things do fall under the juriscdiction. We can decide how we spend our time, money, and energy with . Select what to read, study, and even eat. We can choose how we are going to regard unfortunate circumstances in our lives-whether we see them as curses or opportunities. We can choose our words and the tone of voice in whcih we speak to others. And most of all, we can choose our thoughts.

Moral of the lesson is, what’s your ultimate measure as a man in moments of comfort and convenience, and where do you stand in times of challenges and adversity. No matter how small.

Tonight and going forward, keep shining, keep marveling, keep up the positivity and most of all remember your greatness is within. Always has, always will be.
My day ends as it started. On a high, but on a thoughty high.

Goodnight loves.


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